Getting The Support Your Child Deserves

Parents have the obligation to support their children. The child support each party must contribute is a function of child support guidelines and is based on each party’s income and the timesharing they have. When parents split up, child support needs to be determined. At Rechel & Associates, P.A., we have helped parents in the Tampa Bay area and all over Florida negotiate child support payments.

Understanding Child Support Payments

In Florida, child support payments are used to cover basic necessities of a child, such as food, clothing, shelter, child care and health insurance. However, other things like extracurricular activities and noninsured medical expenses are normally paid outside of child support. Our experienced attorneys will help you establish the appropriate amount of child support in your case.

We Are Ready To Help You With Child Support

We will be there for you each step of the way and ensure an agreement is made in the best interests of the child. Give us a call today at 813-931-8111 or send us an email to schedule an initial consultation. We help families in the Tampa metro area.

*Ms. Todd offers a free one-hour consultation. Mr. Rechel’s one-hour consultation fee is $400.